The Wry World of Reg Henry
According to Reg Henry, his “real” job at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was “composing serious editorials on subjects so boring that police negotiators read them to hostage takers to make them give up.”
Having grown up in Australia and lived and worked in England for a time, Henry’s columns range from the joys of drinking Guinness, to the perils of being a Carnegie Mellon University brainiac living in gender-neutral on-campus housing. His take was always fresh, if a bit twisted—holding up an odd little mirror to the human condition.
Reg Henry joined the Post-Gazette in 1978 as a copy editor and retired in 2014 as deputy editorial page editor. His work appeared in more than 150 newspapers in the United States, causing laughter and, at times, dismay depending on the reader’s taste for his dry sense of humor.
Softcover, 204 pages.