Pittsburgh Steps: The Story of the City's Public Stairways (2015)
Today the City of Pittsburgh has more municipal inclines than any other U.S. city and more city steps and bridges that any other city in the world. Undoubtedly the most unique of these transportation solutions is the city steps. Pittsburgh has hundreds of streets complete with street signs, and often times houses, that are composed entirely of steps. Pittsburgh Steps is part historical record for the armchair climber and part guide for active step trekkers.
Using Geographic Information Systems technology and riding a bicycle up and down Pittsburgh's many hills, Bob Regan, author, meticulously located and plotted every set of steps in the city over a period of several years. He counted the number, made notes about type, usage, and unique features, and, most happily for us, talked to everyone he encountered along the way from residents to bike police.
Softcover, 128 pages
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